Here in Clongriffin Town we have planted a large selection of Pollinator Plants in the town including Phacelia which has being sown in the median area where spring bulbs are finishing flowering. It is proposed as soon as weather improves to plant Bidens and Bacopa in containers at selected locations in Clongriffin.
The existing large planters alongside apartments near Clongriffin Station will be planted with pollinators herbaceous plants.
Gannon Homes may be better known for building family homes but they have branched into constructing a recent Bee Hotel, which is buzzing with activity !!!. We have provided a habitat for birds, bats & bees by placing bird, bat & bee boxes around the town. Not only do these measures contribute to our overall sustainability strategy but it enhances the natural habitat of our area.
Taking on board recommendations from The National Biodiversity Data Centre, grass maintenance is being modified, allowing wildflowers to develop and we are planning to eliminate the use of herbicides in the area.
With World Bee Day approaching on 20th May, Gannon Homes are working in conjunction with Peter Cuthbert, Horticulutirst in educating all on how they can play their part in the Pollinator Plan. We will provide some literature from National Biodiversity and will have approx. 150 packets of pollinators seed to give away, plus Sunflowers in pots. Peter has also kindly offered to give a presentation at the bi-monthly community forum on 21st May illustrating all our efforts.